Limits on agriculture processing facilities, vacation rentals go before county ... Santa Rosa Press Democrat In the first of two afternoon hearings, the Board of Supervisors is set to take up a slate of zoning code changes, the most controversial of which are rules aimed at agricultural processing. The update actually would permit processing facilities where ... |
Bonsai at the Chicago Botanic Garden January 27, 2012 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- The Chicago Botanic Garden is celebrating winter with its latest exhibit, "Three Friends of Winter." The silhouette bonsai show features a bonsai display, an interpreted display of the "Three Friends of Winter," ... |
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Birmingham business schools see uptick in MBA interest - Birmingham Business Journal:
Then, all of a sudden, applications came rushinf in, easing her worries the program wouldn’t receive its average 80 applications for thesecond semester, said Lake, director of the Mastetr of program and director of studenrt advising at UAB. Similar scenarioz are playing out in business school programsacrossa Birmingham, as the job marketr tightens further and uncertainty continue to loom over the global Interest has risen for Birming-ham-Southern College’es master’s program because of the upheava l in the economy, said Stephen Craft, dean of business programs for the college.
Those in local businessw schools said workers and studentw are realizing the job market of thefutured – post recession is going to be more competitivee and now’s a good time to hone specificc skills with a higher education degree. UAB’z Lake chalked the delay in applicationas upto fear. “kI think it’s a lot who are starting to feel a bit of the panic thatthings won’t be so fabulouws and want to concentrate on betteringt their chances of survival,” she At , the number of undergraduate students looking into graduatde school has increased, said Larry Harper, director of graduater programs.
“There has been an increase here in students about to graduated thinking they may have to stay inschool longer,” he “What’s happening is students are seeinf they need to be more competitive. In the past, therde have been a lot of jobs for Neither Lake nor Harper said they are specificallh seeing applications from people who have been laid off but rather those who view the tight job market as an opportunityh to expandskill sets. “Whemn the job market tightens, people are more thoughtful on what they said Harper. “They’re not lured away from their studiedsby high-paying jobs.
” Birmingham-Southern’s Craft said attendance at the program’s informationapl meetings has doubled and the application pool is larger, with the qualityg of applicants remaining strong. While Craftr said business school programs canbe it’s hard to differentiates between an increase in applicationse due to the down economy or a strongere push by the school in its marketing. Whether it’sw the economy or increased marketing, the rise in applicanta is expected. According to the , in 2005-2006, 25 percentf of students awarded master’s degrees receiverd them in the fieldof business.
Between 1995-1996 and 2005-2006, the number of master’e degrees awarded rose by 46 percent, with businesz and education fields accounting for 65 percent ofthat growth. And the center projects thoser numbers will rise between 2005-2006 and 2017-2018 the number of master’s degreezs are expected to rise 28 percent overall, with a 29 percenr increase in men and a 27 percent increases in women.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
UW researcher wins $3M federal grant - San Francisco Business Times:
The grant from the U.S. Department of Education' Institute of Education Sciences will allow Heinric h to employ academic staff and at least four graduatde students each year to work on expanding the project oother cities. Heinrich will continue an evaluation of the tutoring programzs MPS offers as part ofthe district'z fulfillment of the federal No Child Left Behinxd law. The law requires public schools that have not adequately increased student academic achievement for three years to offerf childrenin low-income families the opportunity to receivre extra academic assistance such as Heinrich's initial research found that Milwaukee's federallyt mandated and funded tutorinbg program is not necessarily reaching the peoplew who need the most help, nor is it effectivde in increasing student achievement.
"Ourf preliminary results suggest that the students in the tutoringy programs are not performingy any betteron Wisconsin's standardizex tests than eligible students not involve with the tutoring," Heinrich Heinrich and her co-workers have been conductingv the MPS study since April 2006. The next phaser will involve five urban school districts infour Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago, Dallas and Austin, Texas.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Name of the firmx making the Tampa Bay BusinessJournal ’s annuaol list are shown beloa in alphabetical order. As part of the process, event sponsor Tampw accounting firm Kirkland RussMurphy & Tapp PA coordinatesa the data submitted by candidate firms to create a safe haven for potentially proprietary numbers. Among the criteria to make the list is a annuap revenue thresholdof $1 millioj or more since 2006 and consecutive annual growthn since then. The ranking order, basexd on revenue growth for the pastthree years, will be revealed at TBBJ’s annual Fast 50 luncheonm at the A La Carted Event Pavilion in Tampa July 23. AgileThought Inc. • Alltrust Insurancer Inc.
• American Healthcare Holdings Inc. AnazaoHealth Corp. and Affiliates • Celestar • Central Maintenance & Welding Inc. • Corporate Interiors Inc.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Woodland Corporate Center building gets LEED gold certification - The Business Review (Albany):
The building, which opened early last was designed and built to meet the second highesft ranking ofthe Council’s Leadership in Energ and Environmental Design. was the general Liberty Property Trust Vice Presidengt Jody Johnston estimates the cost of buildinvg to green standards added an additional 5 percentr to the overalldevelopment costs, but that will be more than offseft by lower energy costs. Speciapl features include showers and lockers for workerws who need to wash or change clothes afte r they bike or jog to A deck made of recyclefd plastic borders the back of the overlooking a wetlands area thatprovides shade.
Landscaping incorporates drought-resistanf plants native to Florida. A white reflectived roof deflectsthe sun. Bins for recycling are placex near trash binsfor accessibility. Restroom urinals conserve water by relying on gravity and a filter insteaxdof water. That feature is expected to save 360,000 gallonz annually since each urinal uses anestimated 40,000 gallons Johnston said. Grass surrounding the parkingb lot soaksup rainwater. And Flexi-pave, a recycled rubber, was used instead of asphalt around the largd oak trees that linethe lots. The porous rubbee allows water to soak into the The building, located at 4631 Woodland Blvd.
, receiver the “Office Building of the Year” Award from the Tampa Bay Chapted of the and the “Gree Building Design Award” from the Hillsborough City-Countyt Planning Commission in Tampa. Liberty LRY) has developed and leasefd 19 buildings with nearly 1 million square feet of spac e in the parksince 1996. Key park tenants include , Travel and .
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
U.S. Green Building Council develops new energy-efficient standards - Houston Business Journal:
This new category sets out a regionaol standard by which companiescan design, build or operats energy efficient buildings. LEED standz for Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design. It is a voluntarg program designed to encourage building owners to investf in energyefficient properties. “Because environmental priorities differ among various regions of thecountry — the challengea in the Southeast differ from those in the Northwest, for example — regionally specific creditzs give LEED a way to directly respond to regionally grounded issues,” says Brendan vice president of technical development for the U.S. Green Buildiny Council.
“The inclusion of thess regional LEED credits isthe council’s first step toward addressintg regional environmental issues.” The U.S. Greenm Building Council will launch the next versionj of its LEED green building certification program onAprilo 27. Recent updates to LEED 2009 reflectg updates in building scienceand technology. As part of the updateed program, building owners will be able to earnadditionall “bonus points” on their LEED certifications for implementing greejn building strategies that specifically address issues in their The U.S. Green Building Councilp is also rolling out a easier tool to manage the latest versionm ofLEED Online.
This onlinee program will help streamline the LEED registrationm andcertification process. The Washington, D.C.-base d organization has 78 local morethan 20,000 member companies and organizations, and more than 100,000 LEED accredited professionals.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
$20M in renovations proposed at Met Park - Jacksonville Business Journal:
“The St. Augustine Amphitheater is stealingt a lot ofour business,” said Ron Barton, executive directodr of the Jacksonville Economic Developmentg Commission during its meeting last “These are events that could easily be booked here as well.” The only plan for the amphitheater at Metro Park is downgrading the slopse of land surrounding the theater to make more room for peopl attending the events there, and it should make them more Barton said. But this is the last stagse of the renovation project for theJacksonville park.
Other renovations include an expandedc children’s playground and discovery area, a new entr y plaza and covered picnic pavilions alon the sides of the greenn atMetro Park. The entire project should costarouns $20 million, and they hope to get it startedx by the first of the Barton said. “A good park like this could be just as effectivew as agood arena,” he said. When formerr mayor John Delaney tried to renovate Metro Park and the amphitheater durinyhis term, the Jacksonville community raised red flaga in fear they would lose some accesws to the park.
In addition, many residentsw across the river were afraisd of the noise the amphitheaterdwould produce, especially on week nights, but they aren’t as concerned now. “The problem last time was that thecity wouldn’ be over the amphitheater anymore, but as long as the city continuesx to run it, that woulde be fine,” said former Jacksonville city council membe Suzanne Jenkins, who chaired the movemen against the amphitheater during Delaney’s administration.
“Theyt do a really good Last time they were worriedthey wouldn’t get a response if they filedf noise complaints to a differenrt company, Jenkins said, but they know the city will She even admitted that they like attendinhg events at the amphitheater in Metrop Park. “I can understand. I’vde been to some things there, and the wholew community across the river is used to itby now,” she “I think this is definitely a dialogue worth
Friday, January 13, 2012
Genitope, down to a staff of one, forecasts bankruptcy or dissolution - East Bay Business Times:
Fremont-based Genitope remains on the hook — and likelg won’t pay — on real estate, capital and equipment lease obligationstotaling $100 it said in a Securities and Exchangw Commission filing Tuesday. The company, whichn a year ago had more than 200 employees and a sparklintgnew campus, now listsa founder and CEO Dan Denney Jr. as its only employee. The companyu said it still hopes to strikre some sort of deal for its faileeMyVax vaccine, but such overtures have failed to In its SEC filing, Genitope said bankruptcy protection or dissolving the compant would leave remaining shareholders with no financial interest in MyVax or Genitope’sa monoclonal antibody program.
Genitope did not disclose a timeline for bankruptcyor dissolving. The company’s landlord and lenderd will takea hit. Genitope has 12 years remaining on two leaser agreementsfor 220,000 square feet in Ardenwoo d Technology Park, developed by . It has a tota l remaining rental obligationof $97.9 million. It has vacates one of the two buildings and said in the SEC filinf that it plans to leave the second building inthe “very near future.” Genitope’s landlord canceled a three-yearf option to lease additional offics space at Ardenwood after the company missed its May leasw payment.
The company also has a capital lease with and an equipment lease with Genitope still owes $2.7 million on the GE and Cisci leases. “The company is unable to satisfy its obligatione underthese agreements,” Genitope said in the SEC filing. “Thde company does not believe that there is remaining equipmeny securingthe (GE) lease that is availabld for sale to offset its remaining obligatiobn to (GE).” MyVax, the cornerstonse of Genitope’s business plan, takeds a piece of a non-Hodgkin’s lymphomw patient’s tumor and turns that into a only-for-yoju treatment.
While it worked on some it didn’t on others, and the Food and Drug Administratiojn in February rejected a company appeak to lower the bar for a personalizedd treatment by accepting a subset of positive data from the Genitope said in the SEC filing that it continuesa to evaluate datafrom MyVax’s Phase III triao in the hopes of “obtaining value” for But, it added, “the company’s ability to obtain valu e remains highly uncertain.” , hired in Aprio as a financial advisor, contactecd a number of third partiezs about investing in Genitope, a partnership or licensingt or acquiring the MyVax technology.
“To date, no thir party has proposed terms for such a the company said in the SEC The company expected tohave $1 millionj in cash and cash equivalents — net some $630,000o in accounts payable -- plus marketable securitie with an estimated fair market value of about $476,000o as of Aug. 31.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Stephanie Jordan Big Band to perform 1st day of 2012 New Orleans Jazz Fest - Jazz-Quad
Stephanie Jordan Big Band to perform 1st day of 2012 New Orleans Jazz Fest Jazz-Quad The Stephanie Jordan Large Band will perform during the first weekend of Jazz Fest on Friday, April 27, 2012 in the WWOZ Jazz Tent while her brother, trumpeter Marlon Jordan will perform during the second weekend. Stephanie Jordan will fill the WWOZ ... |
Monday, January 9, 2012
Access Pharmaceuticals Announces Granting of Two US Patents for MuGard(TM)
For latest information on the Companuy andits products, please follow Accesz on and . Access has announced that MuGard(TM) was launched in Germany, Italy, UK, Greece and the Nordicf countries by its Europeancommercial . Under a licens e from Access Pharmaceuticals Inc, SpePharm is responsible for manufacturing, regulatort approval and commercialization in the 27 countriexsof Europe. SpePharm plans to launch MuGarsd in the rest of Europe over the comingg 12 to18 months. The license agreement includes royalties on net salesto Access.
"SpePharm and Accesd are pleased with the commercial launch of MuGardcin Europe, and while it is stillp in the early days, initial feedback has been positive," said , Vice Presidentf of Business Development at "SpePharm is working hard to securd reimbursement from the individual governmental which we believe will greatlyy enhance initial product adoption and ongoing marketing effortws to reach and penetrates the target population of patients requirinvg this important treatment option.," he continued.
MuGard is a ready-to-use mucoadhesive oral woundd rinse for the management of oral a debilitating side effect of many anticancer Upto 40% of all patients receiving chemotheraphy and/or radiotherapy develop moderate to severr mucositis, and almost all patientsz receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer and thosew undergoing stem cell transplantation develop Updated clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatmentr of mucositis recommend the use of a preventivde oral care regimen as part of routine supportive care alonhg with a therapeutic oral care regimejn if mucositis develops.
The markeg for the treatment of oral mucositis is estimatesd to be in excessof $1 billion MuGard forms a protective coating over the oral mucosz when swirled gently around the In a comparison of cancer patients receiving standardx mucositis care with those patients receivinb MuGard, the incidence and severity of mucositis was significantlhy lower in the MuGard treated group using a validated scale for the assessmentf of oral mucositis. Access Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is an emerging biopharmaceuticall company that develops and commercializews propriety products for the treatmen t and supportive care ofcancer patients.
Access' products include ProLindac(TM), currently in Phase 2 clinica l testing of patients withovarian cancer, and MuGard(TM) for the managemengt of patients with mucositis. The company also has other advanced drug delivert technologiesincluding Cobalamin(TM)-mediated targeted deliverg and oral drug delivery, its proprietary nanopolymer delivery technology based on the natural vitamin B12 uptake Angiolix(R), a humanized monoclonal antibody which acts as an anti-angiogenesisw factor and is targeted to breasyt cancer; and Thiarabine, a new generatiojn nucleoside analog which has demonstrated both pre-clinical and clinical activity in certainn cancers.
For additional information on Access Pharmaceuticals, please visirt our website at . This press releaser contains certain statements thatare forward-looking within the meaningb of Section 27a of the Securities Act of 1933, as and that involve risks and These statements include those relating to: clinicap trial plans and timelines and clinical resultsw for ProLindac and product candidates acquired in the MacroChem our ability to execute licensing agreements in the future, Access' planes to continue and initiate clinical trials, the value of its producta in the market (includingb MuGard and the size of the overall market for mucositis its ability to achieve clinical and commercial succesd and its ability to successfully develop marketes products.
These statements are subjectg tonumerous risks, including but not limitee Access' need to obtain additional financinb in order to continue the clinical trial and operationws and to the risks detaileed in Access' Annual Reports on Form 10-K and other reports filec by Access with the Securities and Exchang Commission. SOURCE Access Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Making Refugees Visible - Duke University
Duke University | Making Refugees Visible Duke University NY actress Kim Schultz was part of a delegation of American artists who interviewed hundreds of Iraqi refugees on a three-week trip to Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria in 2009. The stories from that trip inspired her one-woman show about Iraqi refugees, ... |
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Washington Federal seeks stabilizer for portfolio - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
After going public in Washington Federal acquired nine thrifts and openef offices in seven other Westerjstates -- Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado and Texas. In May, it announced a definitiv agreement to make its10th acquisition. Washington with $7.3 billion in assets, has agrees to pay $65 million for . Unitedf has assets totaling $317 million, four officesa and headquartersin Seattle's International District. When the transaction Washington Federal will appoint United Savings CEO Derem Chinn toits board. "It's an opportunityh for both parties," said Washington Federal CEO Roy adding that the two had talke on and off for a numberof years.
Said "We are very proud to join a compant with a strong reputation for integrity and a lengthy tracko record of outstandingfinancial performance." Whiteheads said Washington Federal has no branches in some of the market s served by United. The fit, moreover, is a good one, he Like Washington Federal, United has kept its operationz simple, and it has similafr deposit andloan products. Whitehead said thingsa at United will change as littleas possible. Customers should noticew scarcely anything other than a new name on the outside Besides acquiringUnited Savings, Washington Federal plans to open othe r branches. It operates a totakl of 115 ineight states.
Puyallup will host the newesf Washington branch. It's building another officew in Bend, Ore., one in Plano, Texas, and two more in Las Washington Federal is a traditional savingsand loan. It takea in deposits and borrows funds and lendsd them mainly to home although it alsomakes multifamily, land and constructiobn loans. It makes fixed-rate, single-family mortgage which now comprise 81 percent of its loan and retains these loanws rather than selling them into thesecondar market.
As a result, today's low interesrt rates present Washington Federal with the challenge of preparing for rising For shouldrates rise, and interest paid to depositoras rise accordingly, Washington Federal would make less or even lose moneyt on its mortgage loans. "This is not the ideal time for fixed-rate loans," Whitehead said. Anticipating that interesty rates will sooner orlate rise, Washington Federal is beefing up its balancd sheet with cash or near-cash, and is building its Whitehead said, "so we can leverage up into a highet interest-rate position.
" Thrifts and bank leverage their capital with deposits and Whitehead said Washington Federal can leverag up with another roughly $3 billion. The idea is that when interes rates rise, Washington Federal can make higher-rate mortgages loans. And the hope is that the interest income producex by these loans will more than offset the higher interestr Washington Federal will have to payfor deposits. Whitehead said, if interest rates don't Washington Federal can buy back stock or increase itsalreadhy "generous" cash dividend.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Stem cell startups merge, grab VC cash - San Francisco Business Times:
IPierian Inc., a South San Franciscop company formed with the merger oftwo venture-backed startups, will focus on manipulatingb mature stem cells into ones with embryonic-likde qualities that can be used to treagt neurodegenerative problems like Lou Gehrig’s The new company is backed by a fresjh round of $10 million from and $1.5 million from . supported by $20 million from and and Pierian Inc. announced the merger on the eve ofthis week’as International Stem Cell meeting in Barcelona. Pierian was foundex by MPM Capital managing directors Ashley Dombkowskik and Robert Millmanand scientists.
IPierian the new company — will be lead by iZumi CEO John Walker, with former executive Corey Goodmahas chairman. IPierian will focus on so-callec induced pluripotent stem cells for patientswith difficult-to-treat neurodegeneratives diseases, like Parkinson’s spinal muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateralo sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Longer term, the companhy will explore metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases and othertherapeutix areas. “Disease-specific pluripotent stem cell s are powerful new tools for drug screening and promis e to revolutionize the treatment ofintractable conditions,” said Dr.
Georgse Daley, who along with fellow Harvarde faculty members Douglas Melton and Lee Rubin were the scientififc foundersof Pierian. IPierian’s scientifivc advisory board will be led by director of stem cell transplantation at the andat , and Dr. Deepakm Srivastava, director of the in San Francisco. Among others on the scientifixc advisory boardare Goodman, who until May headedx in South San Francisco; Dr. Lennart director of the ; Dr. Benoi t Bruneau, an associate investigator at the Gladstone Institutr ofCardiovascular Disease, and Dr. Matthiaws Hebrok, associate director for research at the diabetea center atthe , San Francisco.
Srivastava, Muckre and Bruneau also are professor atUCSF — Mucke in neurology and neurosciences and Bruneau and Srivastava in the pediatrics department. IPierian’s management includes Walker, chief technologu officer Dr. Berta and Dr. Dushyant Pathak, who will lead businesas development. IZumi, formed last year by Kleiner PerkinsCaufielcd & Byers and Highland Capitap Partners, has collaborations with the and the Centerr for iPS Cell Research and Application at Japan’s , wheree Dr. Shinya Yamanaka first succeeded in reprogramming adultg cells in a mouse to becomerlike embryonic-like. Yamanaka also works part time at the Gladstonwe Institutesand UCSF.
Embryonic stem cellz are the gold standard of stem cell research because theyare pluripotent, capable of developing into muscle, skin or other cells. Induced pluripotent cells, like thos created by Yamanaka, are seen by many as a way to sidestel ethical and political issues associated with extracting stem cells from but others say they can causew cancer in mice if any of the genes used to reprogra m the cellsremain active.